Information on Data Processing

1. Basic information

1.1 The company Invoice Home Inc. 600 Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78701, USA, is an administrator of personal data (hereinafter referred to as “our company” or “we”).

1.2 Our company does hereby inform the public it is not obliged to have appointed the commissioner for the protection of personal data within the meaning of GDPR regulation. In the event that the need for its provision arises, it will promptly inform its customers and business partners.

2. What we need to meet to be able to process your data?

2.1 Our company as the administrator of personal data, offering Invoice Home services among others also on the territory of the European Union, is required when processing personal data, to comply with the obligations arising from the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 on the Protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR). Our company periodically checks the conformity of our procedures with the applicable legislation and approaches responsibly to the fulfilment of these obligations, with an emphasis on preserving the privacy of natural persons and protection of their data. The necessary protection at the same time is ensured even for the cooperating third parties, who act or may act in connection with the processing of personal data, or as a controller of personal data, as administrators of personal data or their other administrators, processors or recipients of the personal data.

3. What data do we process about you and for what purposes?

3.1 Basic personal contact data of our customers are processed for the purpose of keeping the contractual relationship and fulfilment of the obligations arising from the business relationship.

3.2 The personal data are further processed for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations, in particular the tax obligations, the obligations towards other administrative or judicial authorities, towards surveillance authorities, etc.

3.3 Personal data are also processed on the basis of the legitimate interest of our company, in particular in connection with the enforcement of legitimate claims of our company, promoting business activities, marketing and administration of business relations.

3.4 Our company processes personal data of the contractual partners and customers, specifically for the following purposes:

a) negotiations on the conclusion or amendment of the contract,

b) performance of the contract and the provision of services,

c) performance of the legal obligations in relation to the respective contract, if the legal regulations shall suppose the fulfilment of such obligation,

d) billing of contract claims and performance of payment obligations,

e) performance of accounting and tax obligations,

f) debt collection and the enforcement of other claims through the courts or other independent institutions,

g) evaluation of the solvency of the customers,

h) primary contacting of the customer,

i) offering similar products and services,

j) marketing activities, especially the management of customer records, marketing surveys, customer satisfaction surveys, sending of information messages about the latest news concerning the activities of the administrator, etc.

3.5 Our company as the personal data administrator shall administrate an electronic database in which it files the basic personal and contact data of the customers or potential customers, evaluates their purchasing behaviour for the purpose of providing individualised service offerings.

3.6 In case of legal persons or natural persons doing business the following data are processed:

- identification data: company name, first name, last name, date of birth or personal identification number, if used as the identifier within the tax identification number or company identification number, registered office, place of business, IP address

- contact data: postal address, telephone number, e-mail address

- other personal data: bank account number, first name and last name of the contact person and its phone number, e-mail address or other contact address.

3.7 For the purpose of improving the services, the customers are sent also the business communications (newsletters), on the provided electronic addresses received in connection with the purchase of services. The customer is entitled at any time, simply and at no cost, to refuse the sending of commercial communications, about which he is informed within each commercial communication.

3.8 When visiting a website operated by our company, it may happen that the information in the form of “cookie” will be saved on the computer of the data subject, which will automatically recognize it on the next visit. For example, cookies makes it possible to customize web pages to the data subject´s interests or to save the user name that does not need to be re-entered every time. In the event that the data subject does not wish his computer to be recognised, it is necessary to modify the settings of the internet browser in such a way as to remove cookies from the computer´s hard drive, to block cookies or to set warnings before saving cookies.

4. How do the data get into our database?

4.1 We receive the new data into our database directly from you as our customers.

4.2 We enter the data from our contracts into our customer database (where our company is a party to the contract).

5. Which persons have the access to your personal data; to whom do we pass them?

5.1 All personal data is processed by our company as an administrator.

5.2 The customer database is not shared with another personal data administrator.

5.3 We may finitely share the personal data with the processors, who provide some activities for us, such as

- processing of accounting and tax agenda

- provision of billing services

- law offices

5.4 We provide IT services related to the data processing by our own efforts, using our employees, in order to ensure maximal data protection of the data and your privacy.

5.5 Processing of personal data may be performed for our company by the processors solely on behalf of the contract on personal data processing, with the guarantees of organisational and technical security of such data and with the definition of the purpose of the processing, whereas the processors shall not use the data for other purposes.

5.6 The personal data may be accessed in connection with the fulfilment of legal obligations within the framework of the provided cooperation between the administrative authorities, especially the prosecuting authorities, the surveillance authorities, the courts, the executors, the insolvency administrators, etc., always only to the extent stipulated by the law and based on their legitimate appeal.

6. How long do we keep them?

6.1 We keep the data of the contractual partners in the database for the duration of the contractual relationship, in order to be able to fulfil the contract and the resulting contractual obligations and to perform the resulting rights. For the purposes of the performance of the contract, we may process the necessary personal data even without the consent of the data subject. For the purposes of archiving and performing of legal archiving and control obligations and enforcing legitimate claims of our company, we keep personal data of the data subjects at least for the next 10 years after the termination of the contractual relationship. If a shorter deadline for the fulfilment of archiving obligations or control obligations is set by law, in particular with respect to the tax office, the data are retained for this shorter period as set by legislation.

6.2 In the event that the purpose of the processing shall be dismissed, all data of the data subjects, it means the data that served for the respective purpose, will be deleted from our database.

7. What are the rights of natural persons when processing their personal data?

7.1 A natural person, who is the subject of the data we process, is entitled to:

a) access the personal data pursuant to Article 15 of the GDPR

b) correct incorrect personal data pursuant to Article 16 of the GDPR

c) require the deletion of your personal data pursuant to Article 17 of the GDPR

d) raise objection against the processing pursuant to Article 21 of the GDPR

e) be entitled to limited processing pursuant to Article 18 of the GDPR

f) the data portability to the extent set forth by the applicable legislation pursuant to Article 20 of the GDPR

g) lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the member State of his or her habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement if the data subject considers that the processing of personal data relating to him or her infringes GDPR

7.2 If you have any queries or requests for explanations in regards to the personal data protection, please contact us at, or by phone +1 (702) 425-9032.

8. Consequences of non-disclosure of personal data

8.1 The failure to provide the personal data shall result in the inability of closing the contractual relationship and the resulting inability to perform contractual obligations. The consent with the processing of personal data, if provided by your side, may be revoked at any time at no cost at, by phone +1 (702) 425-9032, or in writing to our company address.

9. Forwarding of personal data outside the European Union

9.1 The personal data, except of the use of the services of Amazon Web Services, certified in the EU-US Privacy Shield, shall not be forwarded to the third parties with their registered address outside the European Union.