Data Processing Agreement

1.1. In the course of our cooperation, the disclosure of personal data occurs or may occur, the purpose and financial means of which is determined and provided by You and Invoice Home, as a personal data processor, to process personal data for you further processed within the limits of this Agreement of personal data processing.

1.2. For You, Invoice Home as a processor is as an administrator authorized to process the below personal data of your contracting partners, in particular the data indicated on issued invoices (hereinafter referred to as "Personal data").

1.3. Personal data disclosure will be done in written form.

1.4. Invoice Home only processes Personal data for the purpose of the compliance with legal obligations or obligations pursuant to the agreement concluded between You and Invoice Home.

1.5. You are entitled to extend the processing purpose pursuant to the act where a further processing instruction can only be communicated to Invoice Home in written form. Also, the e-mail communication of Contracting parties addressed to authorized parties is considered a written form for the purpose of this agreement.

1.6. Invoice Home states that it has adopted appropriate organizational and other measures eliminating any unauthorized or random access to, change, destruction, loss or other unauthorized use or handling of Personal data.

1.7. Invoice Home also undertakes:

a) to process Personal data only in such a form, in which you have submitted to us;

b) to process Personal data only for a purpose specified by this Agreement and only in the scope required for the performance of this purpose;

c) not to associate Personal data, which have been obtained for various reasons;

d) to maintain Personal data only for the period specified in the information obligation or in the end user consent.

1.8. Invoice Home is obliged to make sure that employees and other persons authorized by the Processor for the processing of Personal data only process them in the scope and for the purpose pursuant to this Agreement and the GDPR regulation.

1.9. At the Personal data processing both Invoice Home and You have to - on a basis of this agreement - comply with obligations specified by the Regulation and other generally binding regulations related to this activity.

1.10. Invoice Home is authorized to use other personal data processors. Invoice Home will inform you about the specific processor, whereas You are entitled to refuse.

1.11. Invoice Home undertakes to correct, update, delete or remove Personal data pursuant to your instruction and without an unnecessary delay from such an appeal.

1.12. Invoice Home shall at the performance of obligations pursuant to the Agreement proceed with the professional care, adhere to your instructions and act in compliance with your interests. If Invoice Home realizes that you break obligations imposed by the Regulation, it will inform you hereof without delay

1.13. Upon the termination of this agreement Invoice Home will pursuant to your decision return or delete all Personal data provided there is no obligation to keep records due to the legal period for record processing or for the application of authorized interests of Invoice Home.

1.14. Invoice Home undertakes to maintain the confidentiality on processed Personal data, in particular it shall not publish, distribute or disclose them to other persons except for persons in the employment relationship with Invoice Home or other authorized persons, which have been entrusted with the processing of Personal data. Invoice Home shall make sure that also its employees and other authorized persons comply with the confidentiality obligation pursuant to this Agreement. This Invoice Home obligation also survives the termination of this contractual relationship.

1.15. Further, Invoice Home is obliged to maintain the confidentiality on security measures adopted for providing the personal data protection whereas this clause survives the termination of this contractual relationship.

1.16. Invoice Home undertakes to assist you by means of suitable technical and organizational measures if possible at the performance of your obligations to respond to requests for the performance of the data entity rights and further upon providing the compliance with the obligations pursuant to the Articles 32 to 36 of the Regulation taking into account the nature of processing and information available to Invoice Home;

1.17. Invoice Home will provide you with all the information required to evidence that all its above obligations have been complied with and allows the performance of an audit and inspection to you or a specified person.

1.18. The Personal data processing will be carried out throughout the period of agreement validity, on a basis of which Invoice Home provides the Invoice Home service to you.

1.19. In case of any termination of this Agreement or a termination of the Personal data processing Invoice Home shall dispose of Personal data, which have been provided to it pursuant to this Agreement.