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3 tips For First-Time Freelancers

Published May 17, 2018

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Freelancing can be a great alternative to those who dislike traditional work environments. You can make your own hours, be your own boss and, most importantly, work in the field you enjoy. Freelancing is a good choice for organized workers who can manage their time and workload properly. For those who have started down the path of freelance work, or are at least interested in the idea, let us give you some tips on how to start:

1. Know What Your Skills Are and Market Them

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It goes without saying that before you start freelancing you need to have a specific skill you are providing to potential clients. It's difficult to start freelancing as a renaissance man, though I’m sure many of us would like to. Pick a talent you enjoy and can utilize, then market yourself. It is important to know what your market is- some great resources for starting out are and

2. Control Your Schedule

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© Andrey Popov /Adobe Stock

One of the most common mistakes new freelancers make is over-scheduling themselves. Know your limits and schedule around them; You are not super- human and cannot work on too many projects at the same time. Find a schedule that allows you to earn what you need while still allotting for free time. Remember: if you're overworked you can't provide a quality service and it can affect your ability to attract other clients.

3. Pay and Invoicing

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One of the most important parts of the freelancing lifestyle is making sure you get paid for the work you do. Without a payroll system and an accounting department to help you out, it can get a little overwhelming to say the least. To save yourself the hassle, use InvoiceHome to easily make and send invoices. You can also keep track of your payments and keep everything organized with our easy to use online storage. InvoiceHome helps you get the payments you deserve.

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