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How to Network Without Leaving Your Home

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As we venture further into the work-from-home era, networking is becoming more difficult. There are fewer opportunities to shake hands and connect with other people out in the “real world”. But that doesn’t mean that networking is suddenly less important. If anything, the lack of face-to-face interactions has made connecting with others even more essential. With fewer chances to make impressions, it’s vital to have the impressions that you do make stand out. 

Luckily, the world of online networking has continued to evolve. There are many platforms to connect with others, both personally and professionally. But it’s hard to know which methods will actually be effective, and which will leave you lost in the shuffle. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of some of the best methods for networking from home!

1. Join Twitter Chats

If you don’t know what a “Twitter Chat” is, it probably sounds like what your grandma would call a Facebook message. But they can actually be great tools for networking from home! 

A Twitter chat is an organized event on Twitter revolving around a particular subject. Users who are participating follow the conversation with that Chat’s specific hashtag, and can add to the conversation by tweeting with that same hashtag. These Chats can be about anything from niche personal interests to professional business topics. Twitter Chats may not be as popular as they were in the early days of the platform, but there’s still a large enough community to make it worth your time. Whatever topic you want to chat about, there’s bound to be a conversation happening. Check out Tweet Reports for a full list of Twitter Chats and when they’re happening, and get chatting!

2. Attend Virtual Events

Virtual events are a perfect way to network without leaving your home. Resources like MeetUp and Eventbrite are both awesome for finding virtual events, which can be anything from online chat sessions, to more “face-to-face” events over a video conference.

Both platforms (and others like them) allow you to filter through events based on what you’re looking for. MeetUp lets you pick your interests from the beginning and have events tailored to you, or just browse by whatever category of event you’re looking for that day! Eventbrite does the same, and has an easy-to-navigate “online events” section featured prominently on their site. Find some events that pique your interest, and reserve your spot!

3. Get Involved on Slack

You might know Slack as a popular workplace collaboration tool for company employees. But it can be so much more than that! 

Slack is full of professional communities with thousands of members who are also looking to expand their network and connect with others. Many of these groups are open to join without any invitation, so you can pop into one and see if it’s right for you. You can find a database of Slack communities at Slofile. These groups can be broad or narrow in scope, so look around and find one that suits you!

4. Discover Facebook Groups

This isn’t exactly new information. Facebook groups can be the most direct way to connect with people who share mutual interests. Just open your Facebook home page and navigate to the “groups” section, and most of the work is done! You can browse groups by the “discover” page and find groups your friends are active in, or narrow it down by category. If you’re looking for something specific, you can also search for it by name or topic. Facebook groups are the easiest way to actively participate in conversations and find new people, so join a new group and get connected!

These are just a few resources available to you to help you grow your professional circle, or just connect with other like-minded people. But even if the networking is digital, the same rules apply. You’ll only see results if you put in the effort to get in contact with others! Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to growing your professional network.

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