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How to Prevent Late Payments on Invoices

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Getting paid shouldn’t be a hassle. But unfortunately, we’ve all had customers that take our payment terms and conditions as nothing more than a polite recommendation. Other times, customers can just forget about your invoice. In fact, almost half of freelancers have consistently been paid late. It can feel like it’s out of your hands, but there are steps you can take to prevent and deal with pesky late-paying customers.

Top 10 Countries by Startup Ecosystem

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StartupBlink’s yearly report on Startup Ecosystems around the globe was released for 2019. This report uses special algorithms and data points to rank over 100 countries around the globe and illustrate where startup founders can expect to find the best support from like-minded entrepreneurs, infrastructure, governments and much more.

Without further ado, here are the top 10 countries by startup ecosystem according to StartupBlink’s 2019 report:

5 Reasons To Use Paperless Invoices

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It’s 2019—self-driving cars, 3D printed wardrobes, and robots with the ability to predict and react like real people all exist. And you’re still manually printing and mailing your invoices? Think again. It’s time to embrace technology. Go paperless and start sending invoices with the click of a button! Read on if you’re interested in exploring the various business benefits of going paperless.

How to Avoid a Toxic Workplace

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Warning, high levels of toxicity are harmful (we’re not referring to the literal toxins in the air, those can be taken care of with plants). We are talking about office dynamics, interactions, or a lack thereof.

Tech and Economy: How Tel Aviv became the Start-up City

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What happens when a city embraces the capabilities that technology has to offer? What leads to cities choosing to make tech a central focus? Let’s explore some cities that the technological revolution has changed.

The Importance of Customer Service

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Customer Service goes beyond just a smile and pleasantries, customer service shows appreciation for those who choose to do business with you. Reviews and social media are becoming more important than ever. Companies have had their reputation significantly damaged with inappropriate commercials and hurtful reviews. However, going viral, for the right reasons, can help your business and your reputation. Let’s look at some of the businesses that saw an opportunity to help and prioritized their customers in a BIG way.

M-Commerce in Developing Countries

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One of the nice things about living in the modern world is convenience. We have access to food without working on a farm or needing to hunt or scavenge for it. Honestly, we don’t even have to cook it anymore.

9 Ways to Vacation Stress-Free

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If you’re north of the equator, vacation (or holiday as they say in the rest of the English speaking world) season is approaching. When we were younger it was the best part of the year. No school. No homework. Going to new places. Hanging out with our closest friends. Plenty of time to relax and forget about the “responsibilities” of life.

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